March 22, 2020 1:19 pm
We would like to thank everyone who joined us for worship this morning. We urge you to continue trusting God, encouraging and praying for each other during this time of uncertainty.
Our very first virtual Sunday worship service was a success this morning. Members and friends of Grand Rapids West International and Lansing International Church of the Nazarene joined at 11:00 am either by phone or via the Zoom application from various locations, including places outside of Michigan, such as Texas, Bahamas, and Mexico.
Over 30 families were able to participate in the service, which was held in Haitian Creole and English. Participants were able to sing, give testimonies, pray, read and listen to the Word of God, greet each other, and communicate via text through the chat feature of the application.
Psalm 91 was the main theme throughout the service, reminding us that, despite everything that is going on around the world today, the Lord is our refuge and fortress. Pastor Occes emphasized on the fact that the Church is not the building or the place where we meet, but us, the people of God. The day’s sermon was based on Habakuk 3: 17-19.
We cannot meet face to face, but you can still give your offering and tithe online at or send your check to the church (1313 Bristol Ave NW, Grand Rapids MI 49504).
Join us again:
- This Wednesday for Bible Study at 7:00 pm
- Friday for the weekly prayer meeting at 6:00 pm
- Next Sunday at 11:00 am for worship
Use the link and phone number below.
- Option 1: Join by phone
Call 646-558-8656 or 312-626-6799 and use the Meeting ID 375 458 06450 - Option 2 : Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 375 458 0645
If you are using a mobile device and you don’t have the Zoom app installed already, you will be prompted to download and install it.