
Proverbs 31:20-31

The Bible
May 10, 2020 (12:45 pm)

Video: Reading of Proverbs 31:20-21 in Haitian Creole (with English sub-title) by a few married men of the church on Mothers’ Day 2020.


Scripture Reading Video: Psalm 23

April 13, 2020 (8:28 pm)

A special thanks to all who participated in this fun little project on such a short notice and to Sister Darline who took the initiative and put the video together.…


Our First Virtual Sunday Worship Service

March 22, 2020 (1:19 pm)

We would like to thank everyone who joined us for worship this morning. We urge you to continue trusting God, encouraging and praying for each other during this time of…


Lansing International Church of the Nazarene

August 10, 2019 (4:28 pm)

On August 4, Lansing International Church of the Nazarene (LINAZ), a sister church of Grand Rapids West International, started meeting for worship and prayer at 5701 S Waverly Rd, Lansing,…
